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SEBCoVE - Smart Electricity for Buildings
101144027 — SEBCoVE
01.03.2024 -

SEBCoVE - Smart Electricity for Buildings

The Smart Electricity for Buildings—Centers of Vocational Excellence (SEBCoVE) project aims to develop regional Vocational Excellence Hubs (CoVEs) in the Smart Electricity for Buildings sector. The CoVEs will support the smart specialization of their regions and establish international knowledge hubs for vocational education and training (VET) excellence systems. The ambition is to be world-class reference points for the up-and reskilling of professionals engaged in the Smart Electricity for Buildings (SEBs) sector. MAIN OBJECTIVES: •Develop agile, resilient, and future-proof VET systems, which can support electricians towards employment, manage their entry to a changing labour market and ensure that they all will have an opportunity to access vocational programmes tailored to digital transition. •Develop new curricula, keeping up-to-date technical skills based on the main EU VET standards according to VET policy recommendations, thus supporting transparency and recognition. MAIN DELIVERABLES: •Innovative pedagogy by deploying learner-centred methods including augmented reality applications, serious games and animated video, in the training process of a ubiquitous hybrid learning environment. •Transparent certification mechanism, under a “micro-credential” approach, and flexible learning pathways, by adopting certifiable blocks of competences to be certified and accumulated towards the main competence acquisition. •Embedding in the new curricula the so-called “21 century skills” (transversal skills), and also promoting the acquisition of entrepreneurial attitudes, mind-sets and skills, as well as digital skills. KEY FACTS AND FIGURES Countries: Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Portugal, Spain EU grant: €2.995.613,00 Project duration: 4 years

Greece: HMU – Elliniko Mesogeiako Panepistimio, ECTE – European Center in Training for Employment; TUV Austria Ellas, Chania Chamber of Industry & Commerce, Region of Crete, EK Rethymnoy
Italy: Enaip Net Impresa Sociale Societa Consortile Srl, Sviluppo Como – Comonext Spa, Buildtech Srl
Netherlands: Atermon Bv
North Macedonia: Drushtvo Za Trgovija, Uslugi i Konsalting Emkice Kic Dooel Skopje, Sojuz Na Stopanski Komori Na Makedonija Stopanska Interesna Zaednica-skopje, Centre For Development of the South-East Planning Region Strumica
Portugal: Instituto Politecnico do Porto, Digitalmente, Novas Tecnologias de Comunicação, Lda

Germany: Ldi Ug (Haftungsbeschrankt)
Spain: Mondragon Lingua-alecop,, Asociacion Empresarial De Instaladores Y Mantenedores De Gipuzkoa Instagi, Zubigune Fundazioa, Confederacion Nacional de Asociaciones de Instaladores y Fluidos (Conaif), Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formacion Sl

– Vet students and electricians in building sector as well as Energy, and RES.
– Vet students, electricians, education institutions, Research and Development Centres, Organizations, Professional Networks, Higher Education Institutions, policymakers, and SEBCoVE Related Institutions
– Instructional designers, curriculum developers, web developers, e-Learning specialists and researchers are persons belonging to the direct or extended networks of the partners
– Policy makers and academia

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