Exyonet – Network for Employability of Young (Ex)Offenders

Exyonet is a network for Employability of Young (Ex) Offenders, financed by the EU Youth in Action Programme, Support Systems for Youth – sub-Action 4.3: Networks. It unites the efforts of six institutions in different European countries:

  1. Ealing City Council (UK)
  2. Romanian Foundation for Democracy (Romania)
  3. Cooperative Arimo (Italy)
  4. ECTE—European Center in Training for Employment (Greece)
  5. İzmir Valiliği AB ve Dış İlişkiler Koordinasyon Merkezi (Turkey)
  6. Meridianos (Spain)

The network partners, met in Ealing of London, in the 16th for setting up “a think tank” for preparing a white book and a good practice guide for practices and policies facilitating young people in social risk, to enter the social and working environment.

ECTE scientific team as member of the “think tank”, is working on posing good practices and policies for increasing employment opportunities for youngsters in social exclusion risk.

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