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Information about the certification system ECTE implements + FAQ about the ECVET system

At the end of the program three types of certificates are given to participants. The first one is given by ECTE for the participation in the project, the second by the practice and the third the European form of certification Europass.

ECVET is a common methodological framework that facilitates the accumulation and transfer of credits for learning outcomes from one qualifications system to another. It aims to promote transnational mobility and access to lifelong learning. It is not intended to replace national qualification systems, but to achieve better comparability and compatibility among them.

ECVET applies to all outcomes obtained by an individual from various education and training pathways that are then transferred, recognised and accumulated in view of achieving a qualification. This initiative makes it easier for European citizens to gain recognition of their training, skills and knowledge in another Member State.

What are the stages of the ECVET procedure?

The ECVET procedure is carried out in three main phases: “pre-mobility”, “in-mobility” and “post-mobility”.

How does ECTE work during the pre-MOBILITY stage?

At this stage ECTE is in collaboration with the sending organization. Two documents guide this stage of mobility:

MOU (Memorandum of Understanding): It is the task of the sending organisation to draw up the document, and submit it, together with partner agencies to define the general terms of the agreement. The key element in the MOU is the identification of learning outcomes. Within this period, both the sending organisation and ECTE will need to identify the macro-areas of learning that are part of specific professional categories, and introduce the agreement between the parties to identify what are the realistic possibilities of internships in specific areas and which cannot.

LEARNER AGREEMENT: It is the personal contract that is drawn up between the sending organization, the host organization (ECTE) and the participant. This document must include the training units which will refer to the final results and a short list of activities and their specifications that the participant will carry out as part of the internship. The Learner Agreement needs to be specific to the needs of the participant, not necessarily only focused on academic and professional skills but also on the soft skills that the participants will acquire or improve whilst performing on their internship.

What services are offered by ECTE during the MOBILITY?

ECTE provides, firstly, the identification of the internship that is best suited for the skills of the participant, the skills are compared from the results of the MOU and the LA.

To meet the objectives proposed by the European Commission, ECTE has organized a training program for the participant to mobility in line with the demands and at the same time effective.

The basis is to check the consistency of activities proposed by the host with the educational goals established before the start of the project.

To do this ECTE has structured a process of monitoring and verification of the personal experience and training of the participant who uses tools to monitor and control evaluations.

The result obtained at the end of mobility is the creation of a Skills Portfolio in which all of the feedback on the professional ability that the Participant has obtained during their internship.

When the path of mobility is greater than or equal to 8 weeks and the projects participants are older than 25 years, ECTE have thought to add a valuable training tool to the mobility. This instrument is the balance of competencies restricted to the internship experience. They are asked to reflect on their educational and career choices, their ambitions and expectations with the intention of being able to put the participant in a position to make the most of the project.

What are the tools used by ECTE for monitoring and evaluation?

The instruments used are:

STUDENT HANDBOOK: It is given to each of the participants at the beginning of their stay and is returned on the last day. It contains the record of the activities and the final evaluation of the student and the company.

COMPANY HANDBOOK: Contains the evaluation of the student’s activities (as determined previously by the Learning Agreement), and the linguistic evaluation (indicators are taken from the examination of international language, ie: English, Italian, Bulgarian, German and Spanish for foreigners).

SKILLS PORTFOLIO: Is a collection of the documents above with the addition of explanation of the sources. This document can be attached to the participant’s Curriculum Vitae (CV).

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